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DriverWorks Ink $23.95

Never Leave Your Wingman: Dionne and Graham Warner’s Story of Hope by Deana J. Driver is the inspiring true story of seven-time cancer survivor Dionne Warner, who danced around in costume inside the Allan Blair Cancer Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan. Dionne and her fun-loving husband Graham have battled cancer head-on with laughter, joy, courage, and hope since Dionne's December 2009 diagnosis of Stage IV cancer of the liver, lung, and bone. When Dionne was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2001 she told Graham, her fiancé at that point, that he did not have to marry her - she would return to her home in Toronto, Ontario. An experienced pilot, Graham quickly said: "You never leave your wingman." This is an unforgettable, inspiring true story and a lesson in love. 

DriverWorks Ink $14.95

Manitoba-born John Hanlon was a sailor in the Royal Canadian Navy during the Second World War. In late November 1944, the frigate he was posted on was docked in St. John’s, Newfoundland. John decided he and some friends should cut down a few evergreen trees and stow them on the ship to surprise their fellow sailors on Christmas morning while they were at sea. On Christmas morning, they were in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean on their way back to Canada, when John and two friends brought the trees out of hiding. The other sailors on their ship were surprised and thrilled. They set about decorating the trees and celebrating Christmas. Other happy recipients of this unexpected Christmas gift were some small English children who were being transported to safety in Canada on another ship within their convoy. A tree was sent over to the children, on a line thrown between the two ships.

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